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Payment processing and administration

Our specialists can process an unlimited number of your payments and generate cash flow reports based on electronic transaction records.

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If you want to free yourself from the tasks of issuing and paying invoices, we offer services for processing and entering your payments into the online bank. You only need to send us the invoice for payment, and then you simply sign the payment in the online bank.

Payment processing steps

Stage one
You send the invoice for payment to a designated email.
Stage two
The accountant enters all details into the online bank, checks the accuracy and status of the recipient. If necessary, an additional payment for tax is formed if you are paying an individual.
Stage three
You sign the payment receipt through the online bank directly from your phone. The services of the counterparty are paid, and your business continues to operate smoothly.
Payment processing steps

Service cost

Payments administration
We will process and enter your payments into the online bank; you only need to sign the payment online.
Book a free consultation
Learn more about our financial, legal, and business registration services from a Jara Accounting employee. Fill the form to apply.

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