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Advantages of opening an IE with small status

Opening an IE with small status in Georgia is advantageous as it allows for reduced tax expenses. If your annual turnover does not exceed 30,000 GEL (9,000 USD), the tax rate is 0%. However, small status business owners are required to submit monthly income and expense declarations.

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Preferential form of taxation

IE with Small Status: With an annual turnover of up to 500,000 GEL (approximately 160,000 USD), the tax rate is 1% of the turnover.
Exceeding Turnover: If your turnover exceeds 500,000 GEL for two consecutive years, from January 1st of the third year, the small business status is revoked, and a 20% tax on net profit is applied.

Steps for IE registration support

Consultation on the registration process, tax burden, reporting, and obtaining a residence permit in Georgia
Preparation of all necessary documents for registration
Official registration in the Registry of Legal Entities
Registration with the tax authorities
Registration of small business status to receive the 1% tax rate
Assistance in opening a multi-currency bank account
Steps for IE registration support

Registration Timeline

With your personal presence, all stages, from registration at the House of Justice to issuing a multi-currency bank card, will take no more than 3 business days.

Reasons for IE Registration by Freelancers

Tax Rates: The 1% tax rate is not retroactive. Without registration as an IE, if you stay in Georgia for more than 183 days and receive income, the mandatory tax will be 20% instead of 1%.

Avoiding Double Taxation: Opening a small business allows you to save on taxes in your country of residence due to the double taxation avoidance agreement.

The Georgian government is keen on attracting foreign investments, hence taxes for foreigners are as low as for the citizens, and the registration process is highly simplified.

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Learn more about our financial, legal, and business registration services from a Jara Accounting employee. Fill the form to apply.


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