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Financial reporting in Georgia

In Georgia, all entrepreneurs are required to comply with tax payment and financial reporting obligations, and to retain all information for three years.

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Financial reports must be submitted once a year on the special portal Accurate financial reporting requires detailed accounting of the company's financial activities. The specialists at Jara Accounting will help you monitor and complete all necessary reports on time to avoid potential penalties.

Interaction with the National Statistics Office of Georgia (SAKSTAT)


SAKSTAT has the right to request information about the company's activities in a specified electronic format. The specialists at Jara Accounting ensure interaction with the statistics office and submission of reports on behalf of their clients. This is important for large and medium-sized businesses, as well as individual entrepreneurs.

Four peoples

Financial reporting process

Balance sheet
Income statement
Explanation of account movements
Annual company economic activity summary
Current financial status of the company
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Learn more about our financial, legal, and business registration services from a Jara Accounting employee. Fill the form to apply.


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