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Business registration in Georgia

To choose the right legal structure for your future company, it is essential to analyze the business activities in terms of tax regime, organizational structure, and profit distribution.
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We help with the preparation of all necessary documents for business registration in Georgia

Legal support
We will help you prepare the necessary documents for registration of your company at the House of Justice and the Revenue Service.
Financial support
Experienced professionals from Jara Accounting guarantee the proper keeping of your company's accounting and tax records.
Fast and remote
We'll help you in the shortest time frame possible either in your personal presence or remotely by proxy.

Selecting the legal entity form

Individual entrepreneur
Registering as a small business individual entrepreneur allows you to significantly decrease the company's tax burden: with an annual turnover below 500,000 GEL, the tax rate will be 1%.
Limited Liability Company/Joint Stock Company (LLC/JSC)
If you're in Georgia, LLC or JSC can be opened in 3 working days. The experts from Jara Accounting will prepare the necessary documents and complete the entire registration process at the House of Justice. After successful registration, we'll help you open a personal Revenue Service account, get a bank account, and set up online banking.
Opening a branch or a representative office of a foreign company in Georgia
Opening a branch or a representative office of a foreign company in Georgia when registering a legal entity requires an expanded document package, including translations of the company's foundation documents. A Jara Accounting specialist will collect all the necessary documentation within 10 working days and accompany the registration of your company's branch at the House of Justice.

Business registration

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Learn more about our financial, legal, and business registration services from a Jara Accounting employee. Fill the form to apply.


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