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Virtual zone in Georgia

Companies with virtual zone status in Georgia benefit from a preferential tax system, promoting the rapid and efficient growth of online businesses. Since 2011, IT companies in Georgia can take advantage of tax benefits for software development, website support, mobile application development, and other activities in this sector.

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Registering an IT company in Georgia is a simple and quick process. Government incentives make the country attractive to entrepreneurs from around the world. Once your company obtains virtual zone status, it will be exempt from VAT and profit tax.

A virtual zone resident only pays:

  • 5% tax on dividends
  • Income tax on salary payments

This tax regime is convenient for IT product developers working with international clients.

Since 2021, the Georgian Tax Inspectorate has made changes to the requirements for virtual zone status. One mandatory condition is the presence in the country, including administrative expenses such as office rent or having Georgian citizens as employees.

Registration and obtaining Virtual Zone Status

Register LLC at the House of Justice
Obtain access to the registered company’s tax account
Submit an application to the Ministry of Finance of Georgia for virtual zone resident status
Receive the virtual zone resident certificate and submit it to the tax service
Open a multi-currency corporate account at a bank of your choice
Registration and obtaining Virtual Zone Status
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