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Protection of company rights and interests on the territory of Georgia

Your company's interests will be safe and secure during inspections or when resolving disputes with government agencies and commercial organizations.

Book a consultation

Disputes with authorities may concern different areas:

Appeals against the actions of government authorities
Disagreement with a ruling and a decision to appeal it
Appeals against the wrongful actions of an official

Protection of company rights and interests:

Disputes with administrative authorities
We will prepare an application or complaint to a higher administrative authority and, if necessary, provide representation in court.
Taxation and customs disputes
If you disagree with a decision based on the results of an audit by the Revenue Service or the customs, we'll represent the interests of your company at the Georgian Ministry of Finance.
Representation in court
Jara Accounting will collect evidence and expert opinions, file a claim with the court, present a legal defense strategy, and provide direct support in court.
Tax consultations
A consultation with Jara Accounting will help you reveal the tax risks depending on the specifics of your business and prepare the company for an inspection.

Cost of protection of company rights and interests

Jara Accounting will protect the interests of your business during inspections and when resolving disputes with government authorities and commercial organizations.
Book a free consultation
Learn more about our financial, legal, and business registration services from a Jara Accounting employee. Fill the form to apply.


Testimonials from our customers