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Financial report submission in Georgia

All business owners in Georgia must comply with the requirements for paying taxes and submitting financial reports, as well as keep all information for 3 years.

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Financial reports in Georgia are submitted once per year to the special portal A well-formed report warrants a detailed filling of documentation related to the company's financial activities. Late submission of the report may result in penalties. To prevent this, we offer the services of Jara Accounting specialists who will oversee all reports and fill them out for you.

National Statistics Office of Georgia - Sakstat

The Statistics Office is officially allowed to request any information about a company's activities electronically in the prescribed format. Jara Accounting can handle the communication with the Office and the submission of our clients' reports. Notably, the Statistics Office can request data not only from large and medium-sized businesses but also from individual entrepreneurs who are just starting out.
Four peoples

The financial report is submitted electronically before October 1 of the month after the reporting month and requires the following:

Balance sheet report
Gains and losses report
Fund flow statement for the company's accounts
Results of the company's commercial activity for the year
Company's current financial state
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Learn more about our financial, legal, and business registration services from a Jara Accounting employee. Fill the form to apply.


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