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Legal services in Georgia


Business owners sooner or later need the help of a qualified lawyer. And the sooner you apply for it, the better because preliminary legal advice is much more pleasant than resolving a dispute in court. It will be quite difficult for you to understand the legal intricacies on your own without special education, and it is doubly difficult to understand the features of the legislation of another country, especially if you and your business are in different states. In this article, we will analyze in detail what legal advice in Georgia consists of and what problems you can avoid by contacting specialists on time. 

Legal services for legal entities in Georgia

Legal services may be needed by those who are just going to register their business (preparation of a package of documents), and when the business is faced with legal issues such as: creating and checking contracts and other documents, analyzing the company's activities, correcting minor mistakes made by inattention.

The main services in the field of legal consulting for business:

  • Consulting on articles of civil, corporate, administrative legislation of Georgia;
  • Legal opinion on a particular case (legal analysis and written opinion);
  • Drafting new contracts;
  • Audit of existing contracts;
  • Preparation for pre-trial proceedings;
  • Consulting and resolving tax disputes;
  • Consulting and resolving issues on rental obligations;
  • Consulting and resolving labor disputes;
  • Consultations from a qualified lawyer online 24/7 on the current economic activities of the company;

How to choose a lawyer in Georgia?

Of course, some of the information on the legal aspects of doing business in Georgia is available to everyone and is even translated into English and Russian, but in order to get a correct explanation of the laws, to understand exactly how they relate to your business, you will have to seek help from a local lawyer. Because systematic attempts to independently understand all the features of legal legislation are fraught with headaches. You can, of course, hire a lawyer in the state, but if you have just started your own business or are in another country, then it is too expensive and not always relevant. In this situation, outsourcing lawyers or freelancers will come to your aid. But we advise you to be careful with freelancers because their responsibility is not backed by anything and is not insured. (We will explain about guarantees and liability a little later).

But with lawyers who work for outsourcing, things are completely different. Most often they are on the staff of law firms or registrar firms. Such organizations employ qualified and educated people, whose competence was confirmed during the interview and whose cases you can familiarize yourself with. These broad-based specialists will find the answer to a question of any complexity and any area of ​​business, thanks to the fact that they have a chance to consult with colleagues and exchange data. An outsourcing lawyer will easily prepare documents for the registration of any legal entity, check contractors, and take on all administrative tasks, including going to the tax office, making a seal, and opening a bank account.

An outsourcing lawyer will follow your transactions to resolve the issue even before it arises.

It is especially important to choose the constant legal support from outsourcing specialists even in cases when legal issues arise constantly. One-time consultations in such cases are less effective. An undoubted plus will be the fact that you will be in constant contact with a living specialist who is 100% aware of all your legal affairs, so he will be able to give you timely advice and inform you about updates in the legislation. Will monitor your trades to solve the problem even before it arises.

Warranties and liability

Successful and bona fide law firms are generally liable to you in the event that a mistake is made. They can afford it due to the fact that their liability is insured. Individuals - freelance lawyers most often do not take any responsibility to you at all, but at the same time take 100% prepayment for services.

Choose your lawyers carefully, because the success of your business depends on them. At Jara Accounting, lawyers work in teams with accountants, so they solve issues with maximum competence in two professional areas. Business lawyer Jara Accounting will help with corporate and contract law, foreign economic activity, and everything related to legal entrepreneurship. Our specialist will also be responsible for the creation and verification of documents, consulting, business analysis, and practical advice on how to do everything in accordance with the law of Georgia. To get the first free consultation leave a request bellow.

©Photo: Anastasia Naumova

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