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How to develop a Privacy Policy for companies


Data protection is one of the most important tasks in the era of digital development. Like in many other countries, Georgia has legislation regulating the collection, storage, and use of personal customer information by companies. The main method capable of ensuring the safety of personal data is the development of a company's privacy policy.

What does a privacy policy consist of?

Any company's website that has a feedback form, user registration, or application acceptance dedicates a separate block to the privacy policy. This block indicates the procedure for storing and transferring personal customer data to third parties only with their consent. To competently develop a privacy policy, the following aspects must be considered:

1. Studying Georgian personal data legislation

The main legal act regulating this sphere in Georgia is the "Law on Personal Data Protection". The privacy policy necessarily includes information about legal liability for non-compliance with existing legislation, as well as the procedure for resolving disputes in case of conflict situations. The legality of processing citizens' personal data is controlled by the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia. In case of violation found during the check, the company awaits administrative punishment or a fine.

It is important to familiarize yourself with the main principles and requirements for the processing of personal information in order to competently implement them in the privacy policy.

2. Procedure for processing, transferring, and storing personal data

Each company has its own specifics when collecting personal data. It is important to clearly define the scope of the privacy policy, indicating what data is collected, how it is transferred, and how long it is stored. All explanations should be as transparent and understandable as possible so that users do not distrust the company.

In firms engaged in online sales, the privacy policy must necessarily contain information about the protection of the client's payment details: bank card numbers and bank account details.

3. Description of the purposes of data collection and use

The privacy policy should contain information about what exactly the company plans to use the collected data for in the future and for what purposes. This can be data processing for the purpose of fulfilling a contract, providing a service, analytics, marketing, and other legal purposes. It is important to indicate that the data will be used only within the agreed framework and will not be transferred to third parties without the client's consent.

Lawyers specializing in data protection can help to correctly compose information about the privacy policy taking into account the specifics of the company and in accordance with local legislation.

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